Market Report: November 8, 2022
Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 2022 sold 1730 cattle. Steers Steady to $4 Higher. Heifers $2 to $6 Higher. The rest said, “Let Him alone; let us see if Elijah will come to save Him.”.(Matt. 27:49)
280 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale.
Packer cows $2 to $5 Lower and Bulls $4 Higher
High yielding packer bulls sold from $100 to $104
Average yielding packer bulls sold from $94 to $98
Low yielding packer bulls sold from $85 to $89
High yielding packer cows sold from $70 to $74
Average yielding packer cows sold from $65 to $69
Low yielding packer cows sold from $60 to $64
Upcoming Sales
Nov. 12th Charolais Bull Sale 1pm
Nov. 15th– Weaned Calf Sales
Nov. 22nd – No Sale, Thanksgiving Week
Dec. 10th – Special Cow & Bull Sale (Consignment only)
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