Market Report: January 18, 2022

Tuesday, Jan 18th, 2022 sold 1540 cattle. Steers $2 to $5 Higher. Heifers $5 to $7 Higher.
“and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up. And they were exceedingly sorrowful.” (Matt. 17:23)

Weight Range
#1 Steers
#1 Heifers
225 to 300 lbs
$200 to $245
$140 to $158
300 to 350 lbs
$203 to $221
$160 to $173
350 to 400 lbs
$201 to $221
$158 to $171
400 to 450 lbs
$200 to $221
$156 to $170
450 to 500 lbs
$190 to $205
$157 to $171
500 to 550 lbs
$168 to $180
$133 to $147
550 to 600 lbs
$168 to $183
$133 to $147
600 to 700 lbs
$142 to $160
$126 to $144
700 to 800 lbs
$139 to $141
$125 to $126
800 to 850 lbs
$128 to $132
$114 to $120

240 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale.

Packer cows $1 to $5 Higher and Bulls Steady

High yielding packer bulls sold from $90 to $94

Average yielding packer bulls sold from $85 to $89

Low yielding packer bulls sold from $77 to $81

High yielding packer cows sold from $68 to $71

Average yielding packer cows sold from $62 to $65

Low yielding packer cows sold from $50 to $54

Upcoming Sales

Jan 22nd Horse Sale
Feb. 8th Weaned/Vac Sale
Feb. 19th Special Cow & Bull Sale


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