Market Report: February 28, 2023

Tuesday, Feb 28th, 2023 sold 1180 cattle. Steers $8 to $20 Higher and. Heifers $7 to $8 Higher. “And they stripped Him and put a scarlet robe on Him”.(Matt. 27:28)

Weight Range
#1 Steers
#1 Heifers
225 to 300 lbs
$240 to $305
$240 to $260
300 to 350 lbs
$238 to $260
$213 to $249
350 to 400 lbs
$273 to $286
$207 to $220
400 to 450 lbs
$233 to $261
$206 to $221
450 to 500 lbs
$235 to $263
$203 to $220
500 to 550 lbs
$239 to $251
$190 to $206
550 to 600 lbs
$230 to $251
$181 to $197
600 to 700 lbs
$181 to $225
$158 to $174
700 to 800 lbs
$175 to $188
$155 to $173
800 to 850 lbs
$167 to $176
$149 to $150

280 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale.

Packer cows $3 to $4 Higher and Bulls Steady

High yielding packer bulls sold from $115 to $120

Average yielding packer bulls sold from $113 to $115

Low yielding packer bulls sold from $100 to $105

High yielding packer cows sold from $105 to $109

Average yielding packer cows sold from $96 to $101

Low yielding packer cows sold from $88 to $90

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March 25th Brangus Sale

April 4th Weaned Sale

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