Market Report: January 4, 2022

Tuesday Jan 4th, 2022 sold 2030 cattle. Steers under 500lbs $4 Lower over 500lbs $7 to $9 Higher. Heifers $3 to $7 Higher. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. (Matt. 19:22)

Weight Range
#1 Steers
#1 Heifers
225 to 300 lbs
$200 to $245
$140 to $158
300 to 350 lbs
$200 to $221
$163 to $177
350 to 400 lbs
$186 to $201
$158 to $174
400 to 450 lbs
$181 to $195
$152 to $166
450 to 500 lbs
$178 to $192
$152 to $165
500 to 550 lbs
$171 to $185
$144 to $257
550 to 600 lbs
$158 to $172
$140 to $154
600 to 700 lbs
$147 to $162
$130 to $143
700 to 800 lbs
$146 to $150
$122 to $134
800 to 850 lbs
$128 to $131
$114 to $120

20 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale.

Packer cows $3 Higher and Bulls Steady

High yielding packer bulls sold from $7 to $91

Average yielding packer bulls sold from $81 to $85

Low yielding packer bulls sold from $75 to $79

High yielding packer cows sold from $64 to $67

Average yielding packer cows sold from $59 to $63

Low yielding packer cows sold from $49 to $58

Upcoming Sales

Jan 22nd Horse Sale

Feb. 8th Wan/Vac Sale

Feb. 19th Special Cow & Bull Sale


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