Market Report: February 1, 2022
Tuesday, Feb. 1st, 2022 sold 1475 cattle. Steers $3 to $6 Lower. Heifers $4 to $7 Lower with weather having the negative affect on the market this week. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Matt. 17:14)
275 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale.
Packer cows $6 to $7 Lower and Bulls $5 Higher
High yielding packer bulls sold from $102 to $106
Average yielding packer bulls sold from $92 to $96
Low yielding packer bulls sold from $86 to $91
High yielding packer cows sold from $70 to $74
Average yielding packer cows sold from $64 to $68
Low yielding packer cows sold from $58 to $62
Upcoming Sales
Feb. 8th McVac Weaned Sale
Feb. 19th Special Cow & Bull Sale
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