Special Sale: September 23, 2023

McAlester Stockyards

Special Replacement Cow & Bull Sale

Saturday, September 23rd at Noon!

Selling over 600 head of Cows, Heifers, Pairs & Bulls


30 Angus Influence Bred Heifers & 1st Calf Heifer Pairs calves out of Angus bulls, pairs running back with Hereford Bulls since July 1st, could be some 3n1’s!

30 Angus Influence Bred Heifers Heavy Bred to low-birth-weight Angus bulls!

15 Charolais Bred Heifers Bred to low-birth-weight Wagyu Bulls!

40 Angus & Brangus Type Pairs 6-8 yr olds, one owner since heifers. Calves sired by Lim-flex and polled Hereford bulls!

25 Angus Influence Pairs 4-6 yr olds

14 Registered Hereford Pairs & Bred Cows  3-7 yr olds

20 Red Angus Cows 3-4 yr olds Heavy bred & Pairs, bred to Red Angus Bull!

35 Red Angus Cows 3-5 yrs old, bred to Char. Bulls

100 Angus Influence Cows 3-6 yr olds bred to Black Bulls

70 Tigerstripe, Hereford, & Hereford-Angus Cross Cows 2-6 yr olds bred to Angus & Charolais Bulls Some Pairs by Sale Day!

35 Tigers, Hereford, and Charolais Cross 3-6 yr, bred to Charolais Bulls

70 Mixed Cows 3-7 yr olds bred to Black Bulls

25 Mixed Cows 3-5 yr olds, bred to Registered Angus Bulls

4 Registered Cows 2-Black Simi 6yr, 1-Angus & 1-Maine Anjou 3yr Heavy bred to Angus Bull

2 Simi Cross Cows 4 yr olds bred to Griswold Bull

10 Crossbred Brahma Open Heifers 800#

17 Charolais Cross Open Heifers 700#

15 Black Open Heifers 750#




2-Reg. Angus 2 ½ yr                                                   7-Reg. Charolais 18-23 mo.

4-Black Simi 18-36 mo.                                              2- Black Baldy Simi 2-3 yr

1-Red Simi 2 ½ yr                                                       2-Reg. Polled Hereford 2 yr

4-Reg. Beefmaster 18-22 mo.                                     1-Reg. Limousin 21mo.

2 Sim/Angus 18-24 mo.                                              2- Limflex 18-20 mo.

2 Brahma Bulls 24 mo.



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